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An elderly man under 67 years old retains his bulky muscles and shares his secret

Read Time: 1 Minute, 7 Second The 67-year-old Briton, who managed to maintain good physical shape until old age, shared his secret. The Daily Mail writes about this. Despite his venerable age, Mike Millen (Mike Millen) from Kent still flaunts muscular muscles. An older man works out at least six times a week, preferring exercises that do not require equipment or equipment.

“It’s never too late to get into fitness,” he explains. “Age and training do not matter, there is a suitable program for everyone.” Millen loves to workout outdoors and calls nature the best gym in the world. He swims in cold lakes, goes hiking and runs on beaches. Even bad weather does not stop him: during a trip to Iceland, Millen trained on the beach in 12 degrees below zero. For the past four years, he has taken a cold shower every night in his garden, so low temperatures are not new to him. “My family thinks I’m weird and worried about some of the things I do, but I think they’re proud of me anyway,” Millen says. Previously “forever young” 60-year-old mother of actor Chris Hemsworth revealed the secret of her beauty. She adheres strictly to intermittent fasting. Hemsworth started off by not eating one day a week. Then she began to abstain from food every day for 15-16 hours. Happy 0 0 % Sad 0 0 % Excited 0 0 % Sleppy 0 0 % Angry 0 0 % Surprise 0 0 % Сообщение An elderly man under 67 years old retains his bulky muscles and shares his secret появились сначала на supercar.ru .

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